What we've been up to!
Autumn Evening 2017
Friday 20th October 2017
On Friday we held our annual Autumn Evening. This event provides families with an alternative to Bonfire Night and importantly raises money for the nursery. The event was jam packed with activities and fun including BBQ Hot dogs, Crafts, Face Painting, Tattoos and Games. One of the event’s highlights was an Autumn Picture Competition. All of the children’s entries were beautiful and we were extremely proud of their efforts. We’d like to congratulate the following winners:
1st Prize – Rebeka F
2nd Prize – Jacob S
3rd Prize – Reuben B
This year the event raised £741 which will be used towards purpose built play equipment for the garden. Thank you to everyone who helped make the event possible and to everyone for coming along and enjoying the fun!
Summer Picnic at Dinton
Friday 21st July 2017
This year we held our summer picnic at Dinton Pastures in Winnersh. All the children and their families were invited to join us for fun and games. This included:
Parent races
Exploration of the park and surrounding area.
It was lovely to see so many families join us and we were extremely lucky with the weather! Thank you to everyone who came, it was a great success and we hope you enjoyed it.
Meadow Mayhem
Sunday 14th May 2017
This year Meadow Mayhem, the nursery’s annual summer fundraising event, had a Wild West Theme.
The children enjoyed a range of fun attractions including a bouncy castle, face-painting, apple bobbing, Sam the train, a treasure hunt and a Beat the Goalie competition. There was also a fire engine and the children had the opportunity to meet the fire fighters and explore inside the engine.
One of the event’s highlights was a fancy dress competition. All the children looked wonderful and prizes were given to Taigan's and Aryav - Congratulations!
A silent auction raised £300 for a range of services and goods kindly donated by many generous local businesses and individuals.
This year we raised £1,800 in total which will be used towards purpose built play equipment for the garden. Thank you to everyone who helped make the day possible and to everyone for coming along and enjoying the fun!
Camp Fire!
Thursday 18th May 2017
Today we had a camp fire! All of the children were very excited about having the opportunity to watch a fire being made. Once the fire was lit we started singing a variety of camp fire songs and one by one the children came up with an adult to toast a piece of bread. Next the children got to try a toasted marshmallow, then enjoyed a cup of water and slice of apple whilst watching the fire burn. The children were so sensible during this activity and all followed the instructions and safety precautions precisely. We were very proud of the children! Their comments showed us how much they enjoyed taking part in this group activity:
"This is the best day ever!!!"
"Can we do this everyday!?"
Visit from the Dentist!
Thursday 11th May 2017
Today we had a dentist and dental nurse come into the setting to talk to the children about oral hygiene. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to the professionals and lots were keen to share their experiences of visiting the dentist. The most popular thing about visiting the dentist was receiving a giant sticker!
The children then got to take part in two activities. The first one involved identifying which foods were good or bad for our teeth. They were excellent at selecting the correct answer. The second activity involved brushing dots (germs) off a set of teeth. The children were very focused during this activity and all worked hard to make sure the set of teeth they were given were cleaned thoroughly. We'd like to say a huge thank you to both the ladies who came in to talk to the children!
Messy Play!
At Meadow Nursery School we love messy play – in fact the messier the better! It’s great for exploring and describing different textures. Here you can see the children and staff having lots of fun with shaving foam.
A special visit from Cathy MacLennan!
Thursday 9th March 2017
Today we had author Cathy MacLennan come to visit the children. She read her story 'Chicky Chicky Chook Chook' and demonstrated how to illustrate a character from the book. After the demonstration the children got the opportunity to have a go at being illustrators. They loved having this responsibility and all followed the instructions carefully. Most importantly they had great fun!