​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
What we do in our sessions
Whether you opt for a morning or an afternoon session (or a combination) we always have a fun packed session planned!
To start the session we have a time of social singing. The children will learn traditional nursery rhymes, number songs and take part in circle games. We find this activitiy reinforces number recognition, turn taking, rhyming and alliteration.
Brain gym
Brain gym is an 8 minute music and movement activity which we use to wake up our bodies and develop our listening and co-ordination skills. It's great fun!
Phonics / Maths
We have a 15 minute daily phonics or maths session. During a phonics activity the children are firstly encouraged to listen and identify sounds through fun games. As children expand their phonological knowledge they will progress through to the introduction of intitial letter sounds, blending and building simple words. All these activities are planned to be fun, exciting and hands on. We also have 2 beat babies, which encourage children to use rhythm and rhyme. During a maths activity children are encouraged to use mathematical language and number names. As children develop their mathematical skills they will consolidate their counting (pointing to the objects they count), ordering, sequencing, measuring, weighing as well as looking at 2D and 3D shapes.
Group time
At this point we split into small groups. During this time we explore fun and hands on activities in the 7 areas of learning. These are:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Communiation and Language Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
We have a termly plan for the types of activities we do on display at the nursery.
Free play
Free play is a chance for the children to explore and access all areas of nursery and the toys we have to offer. During this time we also plan fun activities that the children can participate in. Things the children can explore during free play are:
messy and creative play
home corner and role play area
small world play (eg cars, construction, pirates)
mark making area
maths area
problem solving activities and puzzles
water & sand
book/cozy corner
computer and interactive whitboard
outdoor play (explore the outdoor climbing equipment, scooters, trikes, balls and our regular games of chase!)
Snack time
At Meadow Nursery, snack time is a very sociable event. 4 children per session are chosen to be milk monitors. They love to have the responsibility of asking their peers what they would like to drink, pouring the drinks and handing out snacks before taking the tray back to the kitchen. This is a lovely way for children to get to know peers, take turn in conversation and listen to others.
"I love being a milk monitor!"
Story time
The nursery has a real love of books and we share this with the children in our daily story session. We are very animated in our story telling whether we are reading a book or performing a play! We love to use puppets and encourage the children to participate in the story. There are also plenty of opportunities for children to explore literacy and written texts throughout the session. We even have a library facility where children are encouraged to take books home to share with their family.